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Emmanuel Church Woodley

Dates for 2024

  • 20th July
  • 28th September
  • 19th October
  • 23rd November
To view this list in calendar form, please click the link HERE! Alternatively, click on the Google Calendar image below!
Once a month, usually the last Saturday of the month, from 10.00–11.30, we have our increasingly popular Minecraft Church, which helps people of all ages explore themes of faith through the online world of Minecraft (and Lego for those less technically gifted!).  Bring your laptop or tablet if you have one, but if not, we have some available.

Please see an example of what we get up to below.

Contact Rose and Claire Jones at vicar@emmanuelwoodley.org.uk.

If you would like to keep in contact with us and provide consent for photos and videos, please click HERE.

How did it all begin?  Rev. Kev Colyer explains how it has spread to other churches across the country. Video credit: Church of England website.