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Emmanuel Church Woodley

‘For where your treasure is, there your heart is also.’ Matthew 6:21


At Emmanuel, we believe that everything we have is a gift from God to be used in service of him and our community.
We are committed to supporting Mission Partners around the world as well as local charities such as Share, Lunch Bunch and Woodley Foodbank.

We depend on support from our local congregation and community to maintain our ministry. Your giving goes towards funding our youth, children and families work, supporting our Mission Partners (local and overseas),  enabling us to offer hospitality to local charities and vulnerable groups like refugees, and the ministry of our vicars and staff team.

Emmanuel Church is a registered charity and benefits from Gift Aid.

Online Giving

Click on the link below to give now by card. You can set up a regular or one-off donation.

 Bank Transfer

Set up a regular donation by Standing Order, or make a one-off BACs payment. Our bank details are:

Emmanuel Church Woodley
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 67232358


Including a legacy for Emmanuel in your will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways to support our mission and ministry.
We welcome legacies of any size, and can ensure your donation remains anonymous if you would prefer this. 

Contact our treasurer if you have any questions or would like a conversation about this.